Thursday, September 8, 2011

iPad literacy research

 iPads Make Better Readers, Writers
THE Journal reports: In a research paper titled “Unlocking Literacy with iPad,” Ohio English teacher James Harmon found that state-compiled statistics indicate that those students with iPad access in the year leading up to the Ohio Graduation Test had a 6-percent greater chance of passing the test’s reading portion than those without, and an 8-percent greater chance of passing the writing portion. 


  1. Is this statistically significant?

  2. A lot more evidence based research across large numbers is needed to look at the impact the iPad has on learning. Much of the research done so far is only over small numbers and thus we need to keep that in mind. However information such as this is useful for educators and educational organisations who are interested in what is happening elsewhere and in strategies for doing their own research into the impact of iPads on learning.


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